Hello Discount-eyewear,
Thank you for reaching out to us!
As of January 2015, the 12 eBay Gallery Images are free for listings in all categories. You will not be charged an extra fee in eBay nor Auctiva when you use the Optional eBay Gallery Image feature.
The $0.35 charge you're referring to, is specific to the "Gallery Plus" feature, not the Optional eBay Gallery Images.
I’m glad you mentioned this because next week we will be releasing an Account Preference setting in which you will be able to control whether the Optional eBay Gallery Images are enabled or disabled. When this change is released, the setting will be disabled by default and you will have the ability to adjust that on the Account Preference page in the Settings section.
Back in March we enabled the eBay optional gallery by default and have since heard from many of our sellers that they would rather it function the way it did prior to our change. We have listened to this feedback and have taken the steps outlined above.
I will post again in the forums once it’s live to keep you and everyone else up to date

Here are some eBay references to their fees and image announcements: