Originally posted by marty_j35:
Originally posted by Jeff Saunders:
Paymate is not ProPay, they are different services.
I opened The ProPay eAuction account. here is the link:
https://epay.propay.com/ebay/ It has nothing to do with Paymate that I'm aware of

You have to be at least a bronze level PowerSeller to sign up for this account though.
Exactly...ProPay is a glorified version of PayPAL and BOTH require registration and YOUR Authorization for them to take Any or ALL of the MONEY from Your Account that You allow them access to at any time and for ANY REASON and no Reason at all...bad news for many;
just check out
www.paypalwarning.com or
www.paypalsucks.com;Both list now, 10's of THOUSANDS of people who were ripped off by PayPal (myself included).
PayMate.com charges a flat 3% and 50 cents per transaction...done. No Registration for buyers, they can use MC-Visa-DC bing-bang-boom-done, and paymate WON'T debit Your account "automatically" at the first sign of a dispute on the part of a buyer.
Nice touch by me.
Now if only we can get HERE to add them to the Checkout/Payment Options?