I'm a complete ignorant when it comes to "setting" anything that would drive more traffic to my eBay and/or Auctiva store. Plus I'm new at all this (auction selling).
So, these are the topics where I'm really confused, they might sound silly, but remember, I have No idea about anything ..

-I can see, somehow, that by "adding a link" I can, somehow again, drive more traffic to my store. I went there, clicked on "Generate a link" and all that "mambo .." came out, it says “copy and paste this code into your webpage. Now my question is: My auctiva counts as my web page? How about my eBay store? if so, where should I add it at and from where?
Plus at the bottom says "Direct Auctiva Link" What it is this?
_I'm very confused about buying shipping insurance from Auctiva. With my first sold item the operation went smooth, but at the end, somehow

_ I'm trying to set up Store Referral Credit at eBay.. does anybody know how to do it?.Because again all these " links, HTML,URL'S " make me afraid to do warm than good.

I'm stupid...? because I feel that way.
_ please check out my store and ANY suggestions will be welcome!!!
Basically, I need explanations as basic and simple as possible. Any tips to increase traffic or exposure to my store are needed !!!
Thanks so much in advance!