BUTI noticed you do have the option to select 'store' and 'buy it nows' to your item listing via auctiva, instead of 'auction' item ...
I have a Big Question on that (and am confused): .....
If you do select to list the item as 'store', not 'auction', will the auctiva system know to -- and/or have the ability to -- post that item/listing to your ebay store? (or just to your auctiva store?)
And if it does have the ability to post an item you denote as a 'store item' to your ebay store will the item be posted/active there for the month (the same length of time just as if you were posting/listing it to your ebay store via ebay directly)?
THANK YOU SO MUCHfor taking the time to respond.
PS: If this information is already somewhere and I've missed it would you mind posting the link to that reference info. Thanks!