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Hi Doc and Welcome! Yes-the spell checker has been off and on lately. If you file a support ticket-as I did..they will problaly tell you to clear your cache-cookies..etc. I have found this to be of no like you said it worked one minute then the next listing it did not, same happened to me over and over.

Sometines it will work for 6-8 months for me will no issues and then..all of a sudden works when it wants to.

When I filed my support ticket in the last couple weeks..after they told me to do the above clearing my computer. I wrote back telling them that did not work..then they told me it was on their end. So I figure it is always on their end-when it comes to spell checker.

This is the only tech issue I have with them. I am sure once you use this site for a while you'll just love it. Auctiva is the bomb for a free or even paying site, I would not go anywhere else!

Glad to have you here!

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