i will be moving my ebay store here as soon as i complete my move
i have ALWAYS applauded & been VERY thankful for all Auctiva & it's "guys" have done not only for me but everyone else as well
one of the things i loved (note the ED at the end) is how we were treated as ADULTS & professionals (most of the time LOL)
there was absolutely NO reason to be deleting comments or threads about other services out there similar to Auctiva
we all ALWAYS come back!!!
i thought Auctiva had more class & confidence then ebay
what was done here on the boards was "typical ebay" & it was WRONG
noone, not that i was aware of anyways was selling Auctiva out.
it was CLEARLY stated "TEMPORARY" fix until Auctiva was up & running
just to make a point here...
if you work in a grocery store & the store runs out of milk do you play dumb & not tell customers where the closest & cheapest place for milk is? or do you kindly refer them to the closest & cheapest place KNOWING that you are yet again displaying AWESOME customer service skills giving the customer yet ANOTHER reason to come back when milk is back in stock
(see where i'm coming from?

of course i am not going anywhere, i grew roots here at Auctiva so you're stuck with me

i am really disappointed on how this board was managed in regards to us helping each other get through the problems here for the past days
i hope this is NOT a sign of things to come here at Auctiva
with opening my store here i would really be upset to feel as though this is "ebay 2"