The answer is Yes. However, only 16 (think that's current limit) listings are on the Scrolling Gallery (SG) at any one time. Normally, that's the next 16 to end nearest item being viewed. Store Inventory listings are usually 30 days, so if you have alot of auctions running that compete for SG space..... I think you see the possibile limitation there.
Here's the FAQ on the SG. in combination with Store, should be used to draw a buyer into Store and incite combined purchasing. Do that by promotion, i.e. use more available, combined shipping or discount promotion, or shipping promotion to MAKE THEM LOOK.

Combined Shipping probably doens't need explanation, but FREE PRIORITY SHIP with minimum $50 purchase with other eligible merchandise (as example) is an attention grabber! You do that with ebay Promotion settings in your preferences. The SG at least lets them know you are more than the one auction, like ad flyers. I wouldn't obsese on the SG, as it does its job. Go for what can pull them into the STORE in your Sub-Title (yes use that) and description....I also have this in another color, size, etc. IN MY STORE.