Oh boy - just getting started and this is going http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=018&ss...0111138366&rd=1&rd=1 to be the first of many questions I'm afraid.
I've done my first listing and it is active. The size and/or font in my description is smaller than that in the shipping, payment, etc., but it wasn't in the preview and it isn't when I paste the same html in practice board.
Can someone please look at item 280111138366
and then see the html at [URL=http://www.practiceboard.com/?6035618] and tell me what I've done wrong. I did try revising the listing and on the preview it looked fine, but on the live listing the description part was small again.
Also I didn't realize what the sellathon counter did when I picked that option... still haven't read up on it, but is that something I have to pay for? And if so is there a way to take it out once it's active? Can I just go back to the saved listing and check no counter - and how does that get to ebay?
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