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I use SMP to schedule several austions without having to go back and forth blah blah blah. I use the keep a fix number option often. Anyway because I love Auctiva I use this program to creat listings then I save them to SMP. Ive been having issues with that so I want to create the auction here and copy the html from here to there. The problem is with the pics. I know I can add atleast one pic via listing through ebay but is it possible to have several pics?

I love auctia but trying to save them on SMP is a pain. If I could create the aution html here and transfer it it would be great. Need multiple pics listed. @edit@ Think I may have found away. They have a free slideshow? Has that always ben there free or is this new?

Any help.
Original Post
Hi The Oil Man,

You actually CAN create your listings on Auctiva and then generate the description html to use when creating your listings on SMP. TO accomplish this, after creating your listing, including the images, in Auctiva, click the "Save" button.

Then go to your Saved Listings page, check the box next to that listing, and click the "Get HTML" button. A pop up window will then be displayed containing the html code that generates the template and everything within it, including the images. Just select all and copy this html code and proceed to SMP to create your listing.

Once you reach the description section, click the "Enter your Own HTML" tab on the editor, and paste in the Auctiva generated html code. This will make the listing appear exactly like the one your created in Auctiva.

I hope you find this information useful.


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