I can't find this subject directly discussed. Sorry if I am missing it.
I have 20 similar items (comics) that received no bids on Ebay. I want to re-list. They are all saved in folders here at Auctiva. But I have a few ideas about description, keywords, etc. that I have edited here at Auctiva - also new prices. When I punch the button to relist the Auctiva setup gives me the option to edit, but it seems to ignore what I just edited. In other words it grabs all of the previous info and asks me if I want to edit it. And it never gives me the chance to edit the body of the text -- only the title and the prices. Does this mean that I am stuck with what I did before to relist other than price and title? In that case I might as well pay another insertion fee. The point of relisting is to increase the chances of selling, and the break of having the insertion fee waived is nice. But not if you just have to make the same mistake twice without option to change it.
Any help is appreciated.
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