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Hi SueAnn,

If you are a new Auctiva member, you can Import old listings from eBay that are showing on your Closed Listings page (those still available). Some may have been automatically imported for you and are located in your Imported Listings folder on the Saved Listings page. You can edit listings on the Saved Listings page to make any changes and submit the listing there.

I'm guessing you may be trying to relist an old closed item on the Closed Listings page. If a listing is older than 90 days, it may not be available for import to Auctiva or a relist (even at eBay).

I can see them in auctiva. But I do not know how to use auctiva that well to know how to move them.I thought I imported them but now I cannot find them. And I cannot find anything on the help site. They show up in the closed listings but not in the saved. The closed listings will not let me relist because they are older than 90 days and not in the data base anymore.
The Closed Listings page is really a simple tracking log page that shows what listings were closed at eBay. They don't necessary reflect stored listings at Auctiva. Only listings on the Store Listings page are truely stored at Auctiva. The listings older than 90 days aren't still stored at eBay. If they weren't previosly imported to Auctiva or listed from Auctiva, then they are gone (not retrievable).

Originally posted by SueAnn:
I can see them in auctiva. But I do not know how to use auctiva that well to know how to move them.I thought I imported them but now I cannot find them. And I cannot find anything on the help site. They show up in the closed listings but not in the saved. The closed listings will not let me relist because they are older than 90 days and not in the data base anymore.

Hello there Newbie, welcome! After 90 days, BOTH Auctiva and Ebay no longer recognize closed listings. The closed listing will still show up on your closed listing page, but if you try to import it back to your saved listings, they will not import. If I think I may use a listing again in the future, I just save them in a folder named "Save for Future." That way if you don't import the listing within the 90 days, you still have it as Auctiva doesn't ever delete your Saved Listings. If you think that somewhere down the line you may leave Auctiva, type your listings in WORD and save them, then copy them to the detail section of the listing you are working on. That way you will always have a copy of your ad. Hope this helps!
Jeanie B.

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