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Recently, some people were experiencing difficulty with some of the templates being very large, causing viewers to have to scroll across the page whereas on other templates they wouldn't need to. It was decided that this was caused by using photos that were larger than 640 x 480.

If: "Auctiva automatically resizes images for best online viewing. Listing images are shown at 400x300," then is it really necessary to resize the images before posting them? Was the problem caused by something else?


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Hi, eBay and Auctiva default to 400x300, supersize allows the image to be shown larger if it was uploaded larger than 400x300.

You can put larger images directly into your listing without supersize but that means a small screen user will get fed up an move on, better in my view to use supersize to allow interested viewers to select it at will. Usefully Auctiva's supersize displays the image in a new window from where you can step through the others for that listimg.

Either way only upload at the maximum necessary size to speed up the transfer, also consider whether any small items will look better magnified or not. Smile
It seems that if you use Auctiva's supersize option, where images as large as Auctiva's maximum of 1024x768 are reduced to the thumbnail of 400x300 there should be no problem. I think a problem would be introduced by inserting oversize pics directly into your description instead on the same line as additional text or additional pics. Larger than 400x300 pics can be inserted this way but care must be taken as to how you postion them in the template in relation to adjacent text, or other photos.
Last edited by ninthwave
If you are going to use the supersize feature, which I recommend(along with ChooChooGuy) then just upload to Auctiva in the size you want the supersized pic to be, keeping in mind the slow download times of dial up customers. I think the maximum 1024x768 size is a little large for them. I personally prefer 800x600 most of the time as a compromise between adequate magnification/detail and download time. After you upload whatever size you want the supersized pic to be, let Auctiva take care of the rest and you won't have a problem. It's the folks that use customized templates, or mess around too much with the standard ones, that are having all these display problems.

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