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Hi Tec,

Thanks for contributing to our forum. Our system will automatically save any listings that you post to eBay (or just save) on your Saved Listings page for future use and I am not aware of any current technical issues that would explain why you may be unable to locate your recently posted items in that area within your account.

If you are not seeing your recently posted items when you visit your Saved Listings page, it seems possible that you may have a search or filter enabled on your Saved Listings page that is preventing the items you are expecting to find from being displayed.

If that is the case, I recommend selecting “All Listings”, “All Folders”, and “All eBay Sites” from the 3 drop down menus in the Filter Listings section along the top of your Saved Listings page and you should then be able to see all your saved listings once again.

If you need any further assistance with this issue, please feel free to contact our Customer Support team by mousing over the “Help” tab within your account and selecting the “File Support Case” option and we'll be happy to continue working with you on this.


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