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Hi Firstprinciples,

Thanks for posting your question here. When you make a change to your scrolling gallery color scheme, the new color scheme will only be applied to new listings to which the scrolling gallery is added to after that change is made so I'm under the impression the listings of yours that reflect the wrong color scheme were posted before you adjusted the color scheme in your preferences.

The only changes you can make to your scrolling gallery that would be automatically applied to listings in which the scrolling gallery is present are the changes you can make to some of the text under the "Text & Placement" tab of the scrolling gallery customization page.

In order to revise your active listings that reflect your old scrolling gallery color scheme to reflect your new scrolling gallery color scheme, you would first need to remove the scrolling gallery from each of them by deleting the scrolling gallery HTML from the description HTML using eBay's "Revise your Item" form.

The scrolling gallery HTML begins and ends with HTMLtags that look like <!--ASW-->, but you can also see what the complete scrolling gallery looks like within your Auctiva account by mousing over the "Stores" tab and selecting the "Get HTML" option under scrolling gallery.

If you remove the scrolling galleries that reflect the old color scheme from your listings in this manner and would like us to add new scrolling galleries to those listings that reflect your new color scheme, please contact our customer support team by mousing over the "Help" tab and selecting the "File Support Case" option and we'll be happy to do that for you.


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