Hi all you need is to enable them into your listings by setting it as the deafult or onto each listing as required, and sign up.
When I tried it you got the first 30 days free, may have changed since, after that it is a subscription service. Depends on your wares and sales volume, I just switch it on for a month now again to check on the stats.
If you only want to use it for a month as soon as you have enabled the direct debit payment from PayPal and the first payment has been made go back to your PP account and cancel the DD otherwise you may find you paid again when you did not intend to.
Don't bother e-mailing them to cancel just cancel the DD at PayPal.
There are some restrictions about how long they keep the data between paid sessions, once again you need to consider that.
Personally found it very handy for the first month of sales but after that my listings are such that I could compare the item with previous purchases by the winner which very much reduced the need for it to check how good my listing titles were.
I hope that erm, short ? set of notes helps,