My only problem today was that I didn't know it was happening! I didn't get a message about it and could not get to the website. All I knew was that I had no pictures on Ebay and was a bit upset and scared. If I had known, then I would have been fine about it. When were we told and how were we told? I have checked my emails... nothing and yesterday did not see the red notice sign that is on home page.
I just want to add that in the future if you are planning a major move why not at least extend the courtesy to us and give us a weeks notice. This is something that had to be planned you could have emailed us and said "If you are planning to use auctive to launch or schedule listing that will end on 3/2/06 please reconsider because we are planing to move our servers and the site would be down. That would be a fair thing for us to ask I think.
I also agree that a little more heads up would be nice to have in the future. I am a new eBay seller and still cutting my teeth. I do have an auction ending at 11:30am PST tomorrow and would hope that you are moved, back up and running smoothly by then.
I am a computer programmer by trade so I understand the ramifications of the work involved with this move. I also understand the need and applaud your efforts to position yourself for the present and future of this great tool for eBay sellers. I want to wish you folks good luck on a smooth and quick move.
I am a computer programmer by trade so I understand the ramifications of the work involved with this move. I also understand the need and applaud your efforts to position yourself for the present and future of this great tool for eBay sellers. I want to wish you folks good luck on a smooth and quick move.
Everything is working now for me; better than ever. Does that mean the move is completed?; somehow I think not but the site is vastly faster than the last few days; my pics are all there and uploading is rapid. What gives? Also many thanks to Jeff and Co for getting things fixed.
Is the new image server ip address going to be, or is this ip address going to change? I was going to revise my auction to use the ip address instead of the domain name to deal with the DNS propogation issue.
why not use flight service instead?
I think you click START>RUN>then type in >ipconfig /flushdns
quote:Originally posted by Auctiva Jeff:
Lol, I hate to say it, but if you can wait, then yes. Once you see everything is up on Friday morning it should be safe to list.
Everything is expected to go smoothly tonight but we're moving 50+ servers 81 miles. From my past experience just turning off a server that's been hot and running for 12+ months straight leads to them sometimes not restarting. Hard drives fail, things wiggle lose, connections on the motherboard.
Will I current listings be down again like earlier this morning and last night? What should we do on our end to prepare for this, except for waiting to list new items after this weekend? My auctions will be ending Sunday and my store items of course on on for another 18 days.
I had so many buyers emailing me this morning about not able to see pictures. Am I going to have the same thing happening when you switch servers??
Not complaining I love Auctiva and I still spread the word about you guys. Just want to be prepared.
I usually schedule listings between 11pm and 12 mid eastern standard time will my scheduled listings be effected by this. When do you hope to have this completed. I am losing sales because of the image outages and all the work that has been taking place. Is it too much to ask that in the future if you know a week in advance (according to the link to the thread posted 2/26/06 at the top of this thread) thatyou give us a warning so we are not wasting money having listings end when you plan on doing major work. Not all of us come in the community or have time to read these long threads. Some of us have work to do. I appreciate the site and all the hard work you put into it and I am very happy here. I can't complain about a free service but when it's going to cost me bids and money because things are not working right I think I am entitled to an email notice.
Are we going to lose our pictures and auctions that we currently have running? If so how long. many of us end auctions on Sunday. Will they be up and running the.
Thanks, Mike
Thanks, Mike
Jeff thats great but I planned on having tonight off because of the move now what do I do?
Can you take a minute from your excitement and answer my question? Will tomorrow nights scheduling be affcted by this move? I took today off because I thought it would be, and by tomorrow everything would be working again. I need to know now because I don't want to miss 2 days worth of work for this. A simple clicking of the quote button on this post and then typing a yes or no will be enough.
If you're scheduling listings to start during the time they say the servers will be offline I think it's safe to say that they won't start at that time.
I don't know how it'll work when the servers come back online, though -- maybe the previously scheduled listings go into a queue and they catch up, I don't know.
It might be a good idea to schedule your listings to start before the servers go down, or -- if you don't want to see any missing pictures -- after they're back up.
I don't know how it'll work when the servers come back online, though -- maybe the previously scheduled listings go into a queue and they catch up, I don't know.
It might be a good idea to schedule your listings to start before the servers go down, or -- if you don't want to see any missing pictures -- after they're back up.
Jeff I'd like to comment on your comment of if we don't like it here are some suggestions...
For a CEO you aren't very bright..suggest that we leave.
You betcha in droves! C ya!
For a CEO you aren't very bright..suggest that we leave.
You betcha in droves! C ya!
What will happen the the listing running while the change is being made? Will they go down or will they stay up and running?
Hi all, I think we need to remember one thing. Even with all the down time (which is really only minimal and in our best interest) Auctiva is a FREE SITE. In the few months we have been using Auctiva, it has saved us over $500 just on the fees we normally pay to schedule our auctions out in 3 minute intervals. So far, the customer service has been excellent, and for a recently new site like this, that is something in itself.
(Thanks Mike) I think we need to look at this downtime (if you want to call it that) in a positive way, it's growth!! That's a good thing. I, for one, am very much looking forward to all the new features which will be coming soon (bulk scheduling for sure) and want to say "THANK YOU" to everyone at Auctiva for all the hard work and effort you put into this site. May it stay free forever!

Hi all,
Listings that are schedukled to begin during the down time will not be posted as the site will be completely off line. However, if you schedule your listings for before 9 PM PST or for Saturday or Sunday, they will remain in your shceduled listings page until being launched at the scheduled time.
Listings that are running will still be on eBay during our downtime but the images and store window listings will be unavailable.
Listings that are schedukled to begin during the down time will not be posted as the site will be completely off line. However, if you schedule your listings for before 9 PM PST or for Saturday or Sunday, they will remain in your shceduled listings page until being launched at the scheduled time.
Listings that are running will still be on eBay during our downtime but the images and store window listings will be unavailable.
Thats all I wanted to know thanks. I kind of understood that but just wanted to be sure.
Hi Mike, I just read that the picture servers will be up first and just wanted to verify that the listings we have on ebay now, ending Friday, Sat, and Sun will have the pics available? Thanks again.
The images will most likely be down Friday night from 9 PM PST to about 2-3 AM PST, so if you have listings ending during that time period, you may want to add an image or two through eBay's "Revise Item" form.
I know when I spoke to you on the phone earlier I said the move would be made tonight, but this has been pushed to tomorrow night for reasons explained in Jeff's previous post.
I hope this helps=)
The images will most likely be down Friday night from 9 PM PST to about 2-3 AM PST, so if you have listings ending during that time period, you may want to add an image or two through eBay's "Revise Item" form.
I know when I spoke to you on the phone earlier I said the move would be made tonight, but this has been pushed to tomorrow night for reasons explained in Jeff's previous post.
I hope this helps=)
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