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The one-page lister is the listing editor used to create new or modify saved listings at Auctiva. The Listings tab has links to either create a "New Listing" or locate a "Saved Listings" for editing. The "LOAD" buttons for Profiles are located on the page, i.e the one-page listing editor.

Profiles are generally saved content used to quickly build a listing. Profiles are created or modified at the Profile tab. You mentioned "enter profile" in your first post, which lead me to believe you were having a problem using Profiles (specifically the Shipping Profile) with a new listing, using the one-page lister.

I highly recommend the Auctiva Tutorials located at the HELP link (top page).

The shipping info is done/added in the Shipping Tools section of the one-page lister. If you've used eBay's one-page lister to create listings, it's fairly similar (concepts are the same).

There is a "Maximize" link to the left of the Shipping Tools section title. Use that to expand the section. You'll see Location info for you, and Ship To Locations for locations (countries) you'll ship to. Below that are the Domestic and International shipping Methods (Flat, Calculated, etc.). And below that is the sections for choosing Domestic and International carriers, rate entry, etc.

Make sure you use the ERROR CHECK button at the bottom of the one-page lister to help validate/eliminate errors before you schedule or list the item.


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