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I had a cook top sell today, with "Flat Shipping to Continental US for $60.50
FREE Insurance with Tracking..." ...
A guy in HI won it and claims the listing says "Ships to US" and demands the above rate be used (fedex quoted 149.50 for delivery to his home)
He has filed with paypal saying non delivery and demands a full refund or shipping at the Continental quote.
If I don't ship (at a loss) I'll get a negative... His feedback is 94% for 31 buys.
If I ship I lose $60.00

Anyone know how paypal will see this?
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Why not simply refund his money and get him off your back. If you don't, Paypal probably will, as they usually favor the buyer. Since your shipping was CLEARLY STATED, I definitely wouldn't give in to his intimidation (or outright scam) and ship at a $60 loss. If you get a negative, so be it, just explain your side of it in a clear business-like manner and move on. 94% for 31 buys is a lousy score, sounds like a habitual troublemaker. What are his negatives for? Probably the same scam.
Last edited by ninthwave

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