Does it irk anyone else that no one seems to bid early on auctions anymore? I post several things with 7 day listings because I want to get good exposure to my items and no one bids until day 7 at the last second. Is everyone afraid of snipers???
Also, I've seen other auction sites that have a "Soft Close". If someone bids within the last 15 seconds, an additional 15 seconds are added onto the auction. Wouldn't doing something like that be better for the Sellers? We would get the most money for our item...rather than getting the most technically savvy bidders...
eBay makes money on Final Value Fees, Paypal makes money on Total Transaction amount...if those were increased, wouldn't they make more money too...
I'm venting of course, but this just bothers me. It's hard enough to get my items to stand out in the vast sea that eBay has become. Why can't they make it a little more fair for me so that I can get top dollar for what I'm selling...
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