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when youre viewing it, are you viewing it on or

if viewed on, it should open listings on, if viewed on, it should open listings on

ebay uses cookies to track what site youre viewing.

for example, if i view my listings on and click a store window item, it opens it on, because ebay knows i was on (because of the cookie).
The CODE i insert manually is :

<table width='100%' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>function passpara(){return '&csw_auctionCloseMessage=Asta terminata !&csw_bottomText=Visualizza tutti i prodotti del Negozio&csw_emptyWindowText=Al momento non ci sono aste in atto ... ma puoi sempre acquistare telefonicamente o tramite email ! &csw_topText=WWW.DUREXPOINT.TK&id=11445&itembgcolor=0xffffff&bordercolor=0x000000&storewindowbgcolor=0xe6e6fa&toptextcolor=0x000000&bottomtextcolor=0xffffff&stripcolor=0xd0d0d0&auctionclosemessagecolor=0xff0000&emptyboxmessagecolor=0xff7f50&buttovercolor=0xffd700&buttoutcolor=0x0000cd&searchtitlecolor=0x000000&searchbuttbgcolor=0xc0c0c0&searchbutttextcolor=0x000000&searchbuttbordercolor=0x000000&itemhighlightcolor=0xffd700&navbuttonactivecolor=0x9932cc&navbuttonoutlinecolor=0x0000cd&navbuttoninactivebgcolor=0xffd700';} </script>
<SCRIPT language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'><!--

var flashVersion = 0;
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flashVersion = 5;
else if (agent.indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 && agent.indexOf('win')!=-1 && agent.indexOf('16bit')==-1)
document.writeln('<scr' + 'ipt language="VBScript">');
document.writeln('on error resume next');
document.writeln('dim obFlash ');
document.writeln('set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")');
document.writeln('if IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 7 ');
document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 7 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 6 ');
document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 6 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 5 ');
document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.4") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 5 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 4 ');
document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.3") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 4 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 3 ');
document.writeln('end if ');
document.writeln('</scr' + 'ipt>');
if (flashVersion >= 6)
document.writeln('<table align="center" valign="top" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');document.writeln('<tr><td width="247"><tr><td align="right" valign="top">');document.writeln('<OBJECT classid="clsidBig Grin27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" WIDTH="752" HEIGHT="227" id="auctivastorewindow" ALIGN="middle">');document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="">');document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=FlashVars VALUE="'+passpara()+'">');document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>');
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document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=allowScriptAccess VALUE=always>');
document.writeln('<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>');document.writeln('<EMBED src="" FlashVars="'+passpara()+'"quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF');document.writeln('WIDTH="752" HEIGHT="227" NAME="auctivastorewindow" ALIGN="middle"');document.writeln('TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"');document.writeln('PLUGINSPAGE="">');document.writeln('</EMBED>');
{document.write('<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>');}

document.writeln('<NOSCRIPT>');document.writeln('<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>');document.writeln('</NOSCRIPT>');


Is it different from yours ?
I think this is the KEY of the problem :

MY CODE SCRIPT for STORE WINDOW is different from the one appears when automatically addedd to listings ....

a STRING that maybe is the KEY of my problem is :

&baseurl='+escape(location.href.substring(0, location.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)) ;} </script>

Adding this string to my script, links to listings BECOME UN-CLICKABLE !

Please ... HELP !
Hi Cybamatrix,

We've conducted some testing on this issue and have found that if a user is logged into eBay Italy, they will be directed to the listing on the site.

However, if the user is logged into, they will be directed to the site.

This way, the Italian speakers should be directed to and the English speakers should be directed to


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