If you're looking for something different - something completely unique and absolutely top quality, then please check out my ebay shop!!
Since May 2005, I have been designing and creating modern artwork - my favourite subject is abstract art as I love creating things with deeper meanings and I draw inspiration from nature and the forces within it - i.e. seasons, night skies, flowing suns etc etc
Prices start from only £25.00!!!! All of my artwork is available in whatever colours you would prefer - any colours that suit your home!! These are created specifically for you at no extra cost and within 7 days of order!!
My ebay shop link is:-
Please have a browse!! And if you've any comments or ideas I would be very grateful to hear them!!
If you see a design you like, email me - modernoriginals@hotmail.co.uk - and tell me you've seen it via this auctiva message and I'll give you free postage on any design you choose!!!
Many thanks - and hope to get some feedback soon x
Bestest wishes
Michelle xxx