Hi all,
This is my first post here and its in regards to my first post on e-bay so if you could be patient with me I would appreciate it..
I read the other threads on this subject but although it was suggested to post the add the others did not. So here is my listing with the described problem:
A little background my help you help me so what happened was when I first listed it everything was fine. I wanted to change the gallery image and did so by going to e-bay-revise your item- ...you know the drill.
Anyway I deleted the image I had and pasted the address of the image of the cookies with the bow. (I did this via the e-bay editor choices not directly through HTML)This image was LARGER than the one I deleted so I though this was distorting the template so I resized the image to the exact size of the one I deleted but it still did the same thing. So wondering if it was even the image at all I deleted the new one and then previewed and it was fine.
I am at a total loss as to what to do, it looks like crap. I have another listing: http://cgi.ebay.com/Gourmet-Old-World-Italian-Cookies_W...QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem The 2 were identical BEFORE I screwed it up. This is what I want the other above to look like only I want the Cookies with the bow in place of the logo pic.
In addition to all this the editor in e-bay doesn't seem to be very good. Some times when I hit preview it looks ok but then when I look at the revised listing its still the same as before??
I hope this makes sense to someone I'm sorry it is so long.
Thank you for any guidance
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