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WARNING, check your listings from last night, early a.m. I relisted 24 items and 23 did not have gallery picture.

Items without gallery pictures just do not sell. Checking this is a time waster and having to go in and constantly fix is crazy.

This has been problem before and this is isolated incident is getting to be a problem. We do not know if it is isolated because some people just write support, others just do not even check their listings?

I received no email notification or warnings that these did not post.

I sent support on this yesterday (through an old request with same subject that was not answered with example from weeks ago) Sending in new today on request.

Auctiva????? What is going on? Why has this become such a HUGE problem over the past few months. Time is $$$$ and I am wasting time when I need to be listing.

IF you are having this problem in last month or so please post here so we know it is not isolated. Write support too, but I have a feeling I am not only one with this issue.

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Hi- sorry left for most of day. However, I did get support with the following information.

Posted Tuesday, 9/27/2011 7:43 AM

Thanks for contacting us regarding this matter.

I would like to tell you that this is actually due to an issue on eBay's end where they sometimes have trouble generating the "Gallery" images for listings. eBay has acknowledged and posted about it on the following thread of their Dev forums and is hopefully to be fixed today. You can check this forum for any updates related to this issue. In addition to this you may also want to contact eBay customer support.

We have also relied to all your previous support cases. In order to view the previous support cases from your end please follow the steps given below:

Then the email tells me how to close previous support cases.

Due to the early hour I sent this I am getting impression that there is language interpretation issues.

First "relied rather than replied" and this is becoming the norm with my support requests. Also, they venture off into the wild blue yonder I suppose to avoid a real answer.

Plus, the link does not apply to what I asked. My pictures are completely missing, I got no note about gallery issue.

I wrote back and explained this and asked for link where ebay says they are having an issue which is cut/pasted here from Jimmy in support.

eBay has acknowledged and posted about it on the following thread of their Dev forums and is hopefully to be fixed today.

No link to this effect has been sent and I can't locate in ebay.

I have no problem with outsourcing, however, I have a problem when I am sent useless information that does not apply to my questions. Leads me to believe the request is not thoroughly read.

Thanks if anyone can get other info. pls. let us all know.

Itsjustme. They are showing in auctiva active.

I am going to call ebay and hopefully they will give more information, will post if I get anything.

Just got note from support saying that it has been fixed with link.

HOWEVER, am on phone with ebay right as I write they said:

Earlier issue which is link above people got an email stating there was problem with gallery picture. When they went to check what the problem was with their gallery picture it was fine.

NOW, I am speaking with rep, who says that there could be problem with NO pictures like my case and told me how to fix them. I said, LOOK, I do not need a bandaid. I need a fix.

He obviously in order to get rid of me said they are easy to fix. (yes, easy as pie).. but that is not fix. He then said they were just slow loaders. I said, slow loaders it has been 18 hours. He then said well, system will catch up in few hours and the pictures will appear. I do not quite buy that . . but that is their story.

IF you are having problems with NO PICTURES showing up and or have not gotten email note, then I suggest you call support. They answered within 1 minute of my call.

I did not quite buy all of the BS I was fed if you want the truth. They said todays listings should be fine but if they are not it is easy fix.. ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sick of fixes

If others hear more, please let us know.
Last edited by lookandbuyme
Hi all 10:47 eastern time on Tuesday. I am doing listings.

Still check your photos. Some of mine do not have gallery again tonight and have waited hour or two hoping would go on.

Also, they had told me ebay system would automatically put in photos. This has not happened, am going to give until a.m.

Am just writing so you know to check them.

Hopefully mine will throw on later tonight.

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