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I’m not sure if this is the best place to post this but I didn’t see any general “Help Improve Our Site” feedback page. I’m wondering why it’s so convoluted to view uploaded images and to sort uploaded images into folders. I generally list 10-15 items per week with about 10 images per item. If I upload all the images they go into the default folder and then have to be sorted in a long list of images rather than the very common thumbnail gallery. I see there is some nice info about the images but for me it’s really useless. I have image software that I prep all my images with and I assume many other users do as well. All I need to see is a simple thumbnail page which commonly can show 20-30 images on a page before scrolling instead of the current list format that shows four. What really has me frustrated however is the inability to add a folder on the fly when uploading or even after the fact. Why do I need to go to a completely separate page to create a folder? The Java uploader can see my computer’s file structure on the left pane, why can’t we have the same thing on the Auctiva side? This is commonplace with every web hosting and image hosting site I have ever dealt with. It can get really tedious when you are searching for images to delete after an item sold while also leaving other images in place for those that you wish to re list. If I were able to set a folder and upload images to that folder and name it for the item on the uploader page it would be so much simpler. Then rather than having to sort through 500+ images in a list format trying to find the 10 I’m looking for I can just look for the folder. Same with creating a listing. I’m forced to swim through the pool of images or take the additional time to go back and forth between the folder creation page on Auctiva and my image software to create and name multiple folders for me to upload into. I really don’t think it’s that much to ask for on the fly folder creation. As I said it’s pretty commonplace on the interwebs these days. Sorry for the rant but it’s to the point where I’m considering just going back to using eBay direct.
Original Post
Pine, I'm not sure if I follow you entirely, but I too use images heavily, so let me tell you how I do it, and perhaps some of what I write, will help you.

Before I upload my images to Auctiva, I think ahead, and decide if I will need a new folder(s), of if I'm fine dumping the new images into an existing folder. If a new folder is needed, I create it, before I start image uploading.

Then, when I upload my images, I make sure the new folder is selected, so that the new images go directly into the new folder.

Then, I go create my listings, and hook up to the new images.

Now, when an item sells, and I want to get rid of the listing and it's images, I use Auctiva's new Listing Viewer (I think it's still considered beta), and from there I delete the auctiva listing. In doing so, you'll get a popup, asking if you want to also delete the associated images, and I tell it 'yes'. Thus, I don't have to hunt down these images I no longer need.

Bear in mind, when you delete a listing, and it's associated images, the Auctiva system is not fast. If you have a dozen images connected to a listing, Auctiva will spin for about a full minute or so, as it hunts down, and deletes the associated images. Even so, it's faster than hunting them down manually.

Hope some of this helps.....

Personally, I feel Auctiva's pricing structure for images is overpriced, so I use external hosting now.

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