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When I try to list, I get an error message saying my paymnet instructions must be under 500 characters. I'm working off a profile that I have used over a dozen times to list items without a problem. Now it won't let me post anything even though my payment instructions are only 330 characters, including spaces. I also can't edit a saved item profile without specifying a title even though none was specified before. Any help?
Original Post

Our profiles creation pages have some validation errors right now. We'll have these fixed Thursday afternoon.

For the time being, hopefully you can just use the old profile you had and then make changes directly on the lister page itself.

Ohh... actually it sounds like it's more than just a profiles bug for you. We'll have to fix the validation for the lister page as well if it's not letting you enter payment instructions that you've used in the past without a problem.


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