I was hit again with a warning concerning duplicates. I take all kinds or precautions to prevent this as errors have led to a suspension previously. Try as they might Auctiva could not find an explanation.
This past weekend and still yet today there are problems with Auctiva syncing with Ebay. The time lag has been up to 12 hours. I don't know if this contributed to a problem with listings spontaneously duplicating. I do know that I audited all my listings and deleted duplicates. I can't delete them from Auctiva closed listings (to avoid relisting them) because they are not showing up in the closed listings folder.
I encourage everyone to look at Auctiva Active Listings and sort by title. Then make sure none of your listings are duplicated. This may take longer than usual because many of the thumbnails of photos in listings posted the last few days are missing.
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