but i'll be happy to fly as your wingman anytime! Just lead the way Pappy!
anyway... did I mention it was me mum's birthday today? - 76!
Yep!..and still kickn' like she was the Energizer Bunny! Yeah I know...noboby quite appreciates a mother like her own kids. All the same, I was thrilled to snag a 2'x2.5' collector's lithograph of Mick Jagger & Keith Richards out on the bay for her!

hey!..?? where's Shadeaux been hiding out lately? And what about Lusty-eyes?...man!..those haunting eyes! heck..I thought maybe she might be Eve's sister...what with that apple she was offering!

- Now listen to me would ya'....I'm gittn' a little silly huh? ..must be the air in here!
Well I guess I'll go on and bed-down for the night. Pleasant dreams all! Hasta luego mi amigos!