awww shucks Taz! ... ya can't let the little snakes like that jerk yer reins!
but i'll be happy to fly as your wingman anytime! Just lead the way Pappy!
anyway... did I mention it was me mum's birthday today? - 76!
Yep!..and still kickn' like she was the Energizer Bunny! Yeah I know...noboby quite appreciates a mother like her own kids. All the same, I was thrilled to snag a 2'x2.5' collector's lithograph of Mick Jagger & Keith Richards out on the bay for her!
hey!..?? where's Shadeaux been hiding out lately? And what about Lusty-eyes?!..those haunting eyes! heck..I thought maybe she might be Eve's sister...what with that apple she was offering!

Maybe we oughta' have missy-M and Shadeaux lure that silly snake over here so as to give him a real proper whack'n ! And Choo?..we could even lay him out on the tracks for ya' !
- Now listen to me would ya'....I'm gittn' a little silly huh? ..must be the air in here!
Well I guess I'll go on and bed-down for the night. Pleasant dreams all! Hasta luego mi amigos!