Probably not an issue of likin yas, but of business..whoa, I am always busy it seems, and I don't really know why.
Postage, well, yes I have a digi scale. Thing is I have (almost no), with exception of about 10 items out of a couple thousand items that are the same. I can't pack them all up, weigh them and then store them packaged cause I don't have the room! This is a huge collection of miniatures. I keep them in boxes and labeled by what is photo'd edited and listed. Altho, most weigh under 13 oz. not all do. So in many cases I have to either guess or figure I get a loss on shipping if I underestimate when I list the cost. Another thing that annoys me is the ebay invoices won't work right with 1st class, all I can ever get it to do is calculate Priority, so I have to go to Pay Pal to make the invoice. But you're right I could just figure 1st class, post it and average it out on 13 oz. and go with that. That's a good idea. Actually, I don't think you said exactly that, but that's where I'm at...