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Same here in Hawaii. Some of my earlier one's that I did at 5:30 - 6pm (Hawaii time) did post. But, my others at about an hour ago says processing. I thought I did something wrong. I wish they would have some kind of pop up when their site goes down or they are experiencing some kind of problem. That way, we all don't have to be in suspense as to why its not posting.
I'm in Chicago and as of 8:20pm (CST) none of the listings my boyfriend I did posted.. They are all stuck in scheduling and one of the ones that made it up before the site went down duplicated itself and posted twice. It's frustrating I have 9 listings stuck and another one that duplicated. I really hope they fix this by tomorrow because I have 59 listings already pending for listing tomorrow. If they knew this was a problem when it happened they should have notified us some how. Frown
Support has answered:


Thank you for contacting us regarding the issue and I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused. The problem has been reported to our engineering team and they are currently working to get the issue resolved as soon as possible. However, I am unable to provide an ETA at this moment.

I would suggest you to review the status of the listings closely and do not post or schedule it again until and unless it returns you the Failure status.

We again apologize for any inconveniences this issue is causing. In the mean time, if there is anything further I can do to assist you, please don't hesitate to ask!

Auctiva Support.
I am on the east coast, Pennsylvania. I have been trying to list since 2:00 PM. I receive an error message stating I have java script in my listing. I have been using the same template for months-just changing the wording in my description box and weights etc... So basically I also have been unable to list all day. I just hope that if they are in save that they will upload once the problem has been resolved. I also filed a support case but have not received a reply yet.
Hi Community,

Thanks for helping to bring this issue to our attention. As many of you have noticed, we were experiencing a technical problem that was causing a number of listings to get stuck in "posting" status on the Scheduled Listings page instead of posting to eBay immediately.

This issue has since been resolved so any listings that were stuck in "posting" status should have either posted to eBay or failed to post by now.

When I refer to "this issue", I am referring specifically to the one that was ongoing within the last hour or so. Based on the comments in this thread, it sounds like we may have had a similar hiccup last night but I don't have any direct knowledge of that.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our customer support team using the web form on the following page:

It's doing it again!!!!! all the listings I did a post now to went up... all my ones that were scheduled before 8:00pm PST went up (ALL ARE 7 DAY listings or Store listings). Everything that was scheduled at 8:00pm PST is not sitting in processing status posting should have started 15 minutes ago in 3 minute increments. This is hard to keep rescheduling things. I post every day and I don't want all my items to end ON ONE DAY!!! I really thought they had this fixed.
Mine still won't post. Everything I tag to post immediately gets hung up in scheduled items and won't post. I try to cancel the scheduled items and I get an error "unable to delete". So what do I do? Wait for them to post, take a chance they will post sometime around 3 or 4 AM. I've had to delete the saved item related to the scheduled item to prevent this from happening but....oh well, it is free.
Originally posted by timestreasures:
Mine still won't post. Everything I tag to post immediately gets hung up in scheduled items and won't post. I try to cancel the scheduled items and I get an error "unable to delete". So what do I do? Wait for them to post, take a chance they will post sometime around 3 or 4 AM. I've had to delete the saved item related to the scheduled item to prevent this from happening but....oh well, it is free.

Well, here's what we've figured out so far. Every new listing we have written and posted, DID POST. We don't delete our listings until after they have sold or in come cases as we sell makeup too and have a large stock of it we don't delete the listing until after we run out of stock. I went back to my saved listings of one of the items that was stuck and clicked "POST NOW" and it posted immediately.

All I can suggest is if maybe you didn't have a lot of listings rewrite them and do them again. Hopefully you still have the photos in your photo manager. Smile

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