Okay, so, initially I chose for insurance to be purchased automatically for every item sold. But then I was getting these notifications that the buyer bought Auctiva Insurance (which already confuses me to no end - how could they buy it, when I already selected it as the default? where they required to buy it or was it optional?), and there appeared to be a separate charge for it (!) (for the buyer).
Now, I promised in my listings that the shipping charge I quoted would already include insurance. I wrote to those buyers offering to refund them whatever extra amount they paid, but have not heard back from them yet.
I set up a dummy account to buy an item from myself, because I really needed to see how it works. The checkout did not say anything about insurance at all, AND on the final payment page said in the "insurance" line - "not offered". WHAT?! The Auto-Purchase Rules for insurance were still on "auto-insure all sold items".
Nor, might I add, did I receive any e-mail notifications that my dummy account bought Auctiva Insurance. It did, however, register as a purchase of insurance in my Auctiva insurance transaction activity.
So, seriously, I am totally lost.