I have troub;les with new sytems. Besides the Store (the only feature I really want) is Auctiva basically just a replacement for eBay TurboLister and Sales Manager? I don't want to take the time to learn a new system that is just doing something I alredy can do and understand. Considering the cost it may be a bargain but most free services add 'enchancements' that equal 'fees'. I keep trying to import listings and only have 81 out of 400+ listing after 3 tries. I don't want have to create a 'ticket' every time I make a change. Of those 81 listings only about 8 show in the Store Window. I decided to try Auctiva over Vendio but the Vendio fee is looking like a small compensation for the time used. My frustration is mounting as my time invested increasingly equals futility.
To sum it up
1. How do I create a ticket to get listings imported?
2. Why don't more than a dozen listings show in the Store Window?
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