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Originally posted by tooninterior:
There is no competition for ebay right now that's why they can do whatever they want.
I wish Google will take them on.
Google is coming out with an online payment system that will compete with paypal. I hope auction site is next in their radar.

I tried putting items up on Google Base.


I do receive ALOT of sales from Froogle marketing (Google/Froogle) through my ecrater stores. Those are all fee free sales. I'm hoping the same will happen when I open my oscommerce store.

I've always recommended to others that they establish a free ecrater store. I've stopped though since Dimitri opted in the feedback issue and I'm not alone if you go to the eBay communities for Stores. The issues for fraud are broad and he will have to deal with how those issues are going to be handled.

Best of luck,
Originally posted by Gooner:
I sold a couple of books on Amazon, but my advice is don't do it for profit, their costs are huge (even compared with PayPal). They charge the buyer a standard postage cost (from which they also deduct a %) which did not even cover my actual cost even though I used the original Amazon packaging.

I thought last time I did research that Amazon was a flat fee for forty dollars a month for a store...hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I've seen other avenues for online book-selling. I think I can dig those up for you if you're a big book seller. If you'd like to have me

Peace, Donna
Dear Sade - your auctions look great on eBay and Overstock!! Was going to list on Yahoo today - due to disability that causes fatigue and cognitive difficulty, I have no choice but go slowly.

Just downloaded Yahoos seller manager - again - and was going to list here, but now not sure. Alas ... will decide soon. Mostly I've accummulated vintage costume jewelry - hard to photograph and lots of it being sold.

Best wishes - Laura
Originally posted by rockfish325:
Dear Sade - your auctions look great on eBay and Overstock!! Was going to list on Yahoo today - due to disability that causes fatigue and cognitive difficulty, I have no choice but go slowly.

Just downloaded Yahoos seller manager - again - and was going to list here, but now not sure. Alas ... will decide soon. Mostly I've accummulated vintage costume jewelry - hard to photograph and lots of it being sold.

Best wishes - Laura


Have you used the milkjug tip for taking pics of jewelry? It's easy and the pics are great!

The milk jug diffuses the light. I don't have this fellow's setup..but it's similar.

Hope this helps you to have better photo's of that vintage jewelry. Cause better pics make better $$$$.

Peace, Donna
I thought last time I did research that Amazon was a flat fee for forty dollars a month for a store...hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I am in the UK so as with everything else there are differences, there is some sort of monthly deal ( think at about £29 which roughly equates), but to be honest all I was doing was re-selling a couple of books that I had bought from Amazon that I thought were really good and deserved to be read by others rather than just sit on my shelves.

Have to admit the books on Amazon went really quickly but then I was offering them at about 15/20% of Retail so I guessed they would. If I put them nearer to Amazon's prices I don't think I would have got the sale.

To be honest there does not seem to be a real market for fiction in the UK, I have noticed in the past when I tried to sell several sets of about 10 books in different genres (Crime/Sci-Fi/Adventure/What If etcc..). I started them at 99p just to cover Ebay fees and sold only 1 lot out of 5 and even that was on a re-listing. If I could find something like that I would snap it up but I was just spending good money and not even breaking even so I stopped.
Amazon does offer a monthly package, or you can just sell on an individual book basis and pay higher commissions. What is best for any one seller will depend on their volume.

Based on my selling experience there, the 'suggested price' that Amazon gives you during the listing process is a joke. If you plan on listing a book there, list it at a price that will make sure it shows up in one of the first few pages of listings, preferably the first.


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