Well I re-read the news and it's to my advantage to pay for a premium store at $50. because I have no 3 cent store item at a 30day rotation. I did at one time but they never sold because they never saw the front page on eBay, I put all my store items in BIN for a 35 cent fee which work out better for me. My items sell in a range of .99 to 20.00 each. with a mix of auction and BIN plus some free S&H.
Here is the math for me: (not all stores are created equally)
Old plan $15 store and if I list 600 BIN @35 cent each a month costs me $225
New Plan $50. store and 600 BIN at 5 cents each cost me only $80. I am already paying the 12% BIN and 8.75% for auction so there is little changes there accept auction will be at 9%.
I will be getting better exposure.
As far as not having a store and getting free 99 cent auction listings and paying 10 cents if you do sucks! Here is a plan, open a seperate eBay account and list your 99 cent listing there.
They have you in a bear hug and are hitting your head with a hammer but Amazon is no cheaper, if someone knows of a better venue please post it.
Sue B.
PS; A few months ago I posted on auctiva's message board that I had links to my non-ebay store in photos on my ebay pages, well the next day eBay sent me a violation notice and I removed them. Big brother does monitor this forum