690x460 is 3:2 aspect ratio, like 4 x6 photo standard cropping size. Are you not using digital cam or do you want the whole page resized for that format as a standard digital crop? If you do, you simply change the image sizes. The HTML for all the pics currently has...
img width="450" height="600"
for 3:4 ratio.
If you want to maintain the width, use....
img width="450" height="675"
for 2:3 ratio.
I do understand that fashion photos from a studio photo setting, similar to your logo, may work better with that aspect ratio. You just need to set that as your "standard" for all photos for listings.
You can set the Auctiva preferences in your Account settings for no Scrolling Gallery to be added to the listing.
Edit: I looked at a resize to 400 width to see if it further helped the right column and got this.
http://practicewriter.com/vu/?4EC6BI also locked height on the upper photo and slightly increased the logo photo size and locked it's height and width.
It did help the text wrap problem on the pink banner and page balance. Also, 600px height allows the photos to get full view on a 1024x768 monitor screen (I checked).
Hope those helped....
Oh...and my oldest daughter has done professional studio photography, so I get good tips.