Hi Stacey, Welcome aboard! You will like it here alot once you get used to everything. I have a few tips for you for smooth operating.
1.Besides, your IE6 Browser its a good idea to get Mozilla's FireFox Browser as well. Auctiva works well with IE6 for most people. Its just a good idea to have the other if something doesnt work right.
2.Use a image file size reducing program for your pictures, if you dont use one already. Your pictures will upload to auctiva and load into your store window and auction listings much much faster. If you need help with that just let me know.
3. Update your flash player and clean out your internet cache often. If you cant find a solution in this forum or the help pages, to any problem you have you can submit a support request on the help page at the bottom of the page.
4. If you need anything whatsoever, all you have to do is post it here in these forums and there are a ton of people always willing to help. Most everyone here are very nice people.
I wish you lots of sales $$$$$, William