Having the same issue with uploading pics they just wouldn't. Support said to re size.. I have too many.
I Tried Karo's Suggestion

Clear your cache: Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu, followed by the "Delete" button under "Browsing History". Then, on the ensuing page, click the "Delete Files" and "Delete Cookies" buttons. Please ensure that only one browser window is open when you are doing this or your cache may not empty properly.
2) Restore your Advanced Settings: Select "Internet Options" from the "Tools" menu and click the "Advanced" tab. Then, click the "Restore Advanced Settings" button, followed by "Apply" then "OK"
After making these adjustments, close your IE 7.0 web browser and re-open it for the new settings to take effect.
I made sure to close auctiva and open just a fresh browser first..
It would not work for DRAG AND DROP.
It did work for the last Choice - basic upload
Hope this helps those who need it.
Temp Solution until Auctiva figures this out.