Hi again global_ant,
it may also be an issue with your router (if you use one) or modem, and cycling both of these may resolve the difficulty.
Usually this can be achieved by powering the device(s) down for a brief period of time and then powering them back up and letting them get re-established, however, you may wish to consult your owners manual regarding your particular hardware to ensure that you are taking the appropriate steps.
To run a trace route, if you need to after trying rebooting your modem, you will need to open the command prompt in Windows:
-Click the "Start" button.
-Click on "All Programs".
-Click on the "Accessory" folder.
-RIGHT CLICK on "Command Prompt" and then LEFT CLICK on "Run as Administrator".
-Select "Yes" on the User Account Control popup.
To run the trace route for Auctiva.com:
-Once Command Prompt is open, type in "TRACERT
WWW.AUCTIVA.COM" and press the "Enter" key.
-Please wait until the action completes. It'll show you in the window "Trace Complete".
-Please copy all of that information and paste it in your reply.
You can copy that information by right clicking inside the window, and left clicking on "Select All". Once you have completed that, press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to copy it to Windows Clipboard. You can then paste the results into a support case so we can review it.
- Craig