I just received this email from support stating it is a problem with 1 of their servers and they are working on it. See email below :
Thanks for contacting us regarding this matter, and I'm sorry to hear about your trouble with this. We have received similar kind of issue from other customers as well. The listings are moving into the scheduled page instead of posting directly. This appears to be related to an issue with one of our servers. Our Engineering Department is currently working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.
In the mean time, I would suggest you to try canceling the duplicate listing from the scheduled listing page and not to try posting the listing again until the issue get resolved.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your patience with regard to this matter.
Thank you,
Auctiva Support.
"Engineering Department"? What do they have Scotty working on it? Beam me up man and get my listings posted!
Interesting! Out of 8 items in my "Ready" for the last two hours - two random ones just posted! I guess I check back in a little while maybe the others will post eventually as well. I think if it gets too late though I'll cancel. I don't want them randomly posting at Midnight! 

Woops! There went another one. I verified that they are posting in the order I created them. Looks like they really are working on it folks 

I see a lot of folks are having trouble with Scheduled listings. MY problem is I hit the POST NOW and it puts my listing in a scheduled.
The time setting change didnt help either.
Aha!! They got it to burp!! Whoo hoo...good luck everyone!!
My suggestion is to let them fail. Come back in about an hour and reschedule the failed ones then. We're working to replace a server that pooped out with a different server. We've got dozens, it's just a matter of time to figure out the problem which we've already done and now get it resolved which we're working on. Try back in an hour. Go ahead and create and save listings now, just wait to schedule them if you can. If not you are welcome to try and post them but just don't get too mad if they don't.
Same here went to post now went in scheduled
thats just great they have all just posted at 23.38 what a wonderful time.......no bids on these then!!
Yup, I'm having the same problem. I opened a ticket for help before checking here, but I see that everyone is having this issue.
When I chose "Post Now", they all went to scheduled and it has been almost 3 hours and none have ever posted.
When I chose "Post Now", they all went to scheduled and it has been almost 3 hours and none have ever posted.

Activa is now flashing an INFO banner alert on the main page on this problem. If you click on it, you get this pop-up:
"Users who posted listings to eBay between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm PST on Sunday may notice a delay in their postings. We have addressed the issue and your listings will post normally with no further action required from you. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused by this delay."
"Users who posted listings to eBay between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm PST on Sunday may notice a delay in their postings. We have addressed the issue and your listings will post normally with no further action required from you. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion caused by this delay."
Yup, same problem I'm having, meme. I want to avoid double-listings in case they do go through since I've tried several times. So.... I just cancelled the ads that went into "Scheduled" automatically.
Mine still not working in OZ
Hi Meme, That is the same problem as everyone else is having. We are trying to list immediately and it's going into the scheduled. All mine have posted now :0) but it was slow going. Just leave the stuff in scheduled and it will post. Mine took about 2 hrs start to finish and did post in the same order as created.. Good Luck all!
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