Found the code and tested it with your template.
Here's the template with code added (Style Sheet at very bottom):
http://www.practiceboard.com/?10230770and here's the added code for the overrides:
<style type="text/css">
#imgsuptxt a:link {color: #000000;}
#imgsuptxt a:visited {color: #000000;}
#imgsuptxt a:active {color: #000000;}
#imgsuptxt a:hover {color: #555555;}
a:link.imagelink {color: #000000;}
a:visited.imagelink {color: #000000;}
a:active.imagelink {color: #000000;}
a:hover.imagelink {color: #555555;}
a.imagelink img.auctionimage {border: 2px solid #000000;}
a:visited.imagelink img.auctionimage {border: 2px solid #000000;}
a:active.imagelink img.auctionimage {border: 2px solid #000000;}
a:hover.imagelink img.auctionimage {border: 2px solid #555555;}
Notice there is a link, visited, active, and hover for each of three groups. Those are for the mouseover effects, and each defines what the effect causes. Hopefully, the definitions are a little self-evident, but the #000000 is black and the #555555 is a medium-dark gray. You can toggle and play with the codes to get them absolutely the way you need them for each template. Note, I have the visited set to same as link, i.e. visited isn't currently showing a new/different color. With this code, you can also override the type and thickness of the picture border.

I've tested the code with IE7, Firefox and Safari.