Is it possible to request that you change your maintenance night to an earlier day in the week.
Thursday nights is too close to the weekend when everyone is trying to get their listings on.
I am located in Thailand therefore we are approx. 11 hrs ahead of US time (New York). So your maintenance time is right in the middle of the day for us when we are trying to get our listings onto eBay before the weekend.
Also the noted times that maintenance takes place is many times much longer and also sometimes on Friday mornings. This means Friday night for us. I have tried to schedule my time around your noted maintenance times but it's difficult when they are not what you are telling us. This can be really frustrating.
I see on your forum that many other people find this frustrating too. Perhaps it would be better for everyone if you could change your maintenance day to Monday or Tuesday night.
I hope this will be possible. I hope you will pass this on to customer complaints/feedback. I hope you will use this feedback constructively to improve your service to your users.
Fingers crossed everyone!!
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