Hello Sadie
Dont know if I can be much help as I am a newbie myself - but I can pass on some useful advice.
Assuming you have broadband(I DONT

) I would suggest you run through the turorials on the help page- before you do anything else. Also keep visiting the Getting Started Forum.
I started - 1st by playing around with the scrolling gallery - which should automatically switch on when you join Auctiva.
I then went to LISTINGS (2nd tab menu option) and created a few Profiles- including the information that I use all the time -
These included payment preferences, returns policy. Shipping methods etc. Once I had created all the detail profiles - I created a Master Profile.
The following day I tried creating a listing using the easisest item I sell ( a single 45 record) Uploaded the images from my hard disk and chose a nice template (thats the fun bit

Then I hit the check for errors button at the bottom (this is a great feature in auctiva - I wish EBay would take note) once I got the green confirm message - I hit the post button - and prayed.
About an hour later I got an email from EBay confirming my listing.
I dont really understand why you need to prepare your listings on ebay. Auctiva will do the job so much better AND you dont have to pay for your Photos.
If I can help further - you can email me at
All the best Gill