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I'm thinking it's some kind of a glitch. But the fact that you have the little gray 'polaroid' there makes me think it will eventually show up. Every time new changes are put into rffect (i.e. free gallery starting Feb 20) things are always glitchy. I've seen many auctions with just a blank white space & no little camera icon for their gallery, and the same white space that says 'no photo available'. Yet when the listing is opened there are plenty of photos.

That's just Ebay for you, effecting changes before all the bugs are worked out Frown
Hello 2purrcats.

I have exactly the same problem as you, but I have it with all of my auctions.

Did you file a support request?

Well, I did, and got the following answer, but nothing is happening, or working, on my side:

Adam S. replied to me:
"From Adam S.:

Posted Thursday, 2/21/2008 6:06:50 PMHello,

I apologize for the inconvenience. I have just initiated the process by which your missing images will be created and they should be available in your Auctiva store and scrolling gallery within 4 hours.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Thank you,
Auctiva Support."

Also, my auctions are running out, and I have hardly any bids: It is sooo frustrating. The scrolling gallery, only showing the gray fields, looks so weird, and makes a weird impression, and I am sure, that puts a lot of prospective buyers off.

Fingers crossed, for a happy end of this uncomfortable and awkward situation, with a lot of money loss involved.

Nevertheless, we won't have a spoiled weekend.
Could someone kindly have a look and check my scrolling gallery HTML?:

<!--ASW--><!--version 1.0-->
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need flash version 6 or higher (this code should work with future flash plugins.)
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document.writeln('if flashVersion < 7 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
document.writeln('flashVersion = 6 ');
document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.5") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 6 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
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document.writeln('else set obFlash = CreateObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.4") end if ');
document.writeln('if flashVersion < 5 and IsObject(obFlash) then ');
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Thank you.
I was talking about the auctiva scroller gallery, not about the eBay scroller gallery.

Your fix does not work for the problems about pictures not loading in the auctiva gallery.

I am a bit disappointed, for getting misunderstood, this way.

Anyway: I am glad, that you where able to fix your problem. For my problem, however it does not seem, as if there may be support or help, within reasonable time.

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