Just in case you want to customise your Paypal packing slip with your logo...
I knew it could be done since I have done it since until an hour ago I had my old logo showing but couldn't remember how. The Paypal help on logos is all about the Paypal logo. The Profile section on the My Accounts bit doesn't help. After 30 minutes to customer support trying to explain that the logo is possible since I have one, then being referred to their tech support (paypal.com/mts) and having several hour of bat 'n' ball then back to customer services for another 40 minutes call and some caffeine...
Here is how to do it...
1. You need your logo as a jpg or similar, and it must be 100 pixels high by 150 wide. You need to store this somewhere (Auctiva images) and grab the url of it (select and copy it).
2. In Paypal, choose any customer purchase transaction, and click on "Details".
3. About 2/3 way down, you should see a button to print the packing slip. Hit this.
4. About 2/3 way down this page you'll see "Print, Edit, Done". Hit "Edit".
5. In this page, you can complete the field asking for your logo. Don't bother with the test button - unless it has now been fixed.
6. Mess about with the other optional stuff as you like and finish.
A golden nugget if ever there was one on Paypal: help knows nothing and customer service and tech service say it isn't possible so must be worth having.
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