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I make a thumbnail in my image editing program to be used as the gallery on ebay. I add a border and crop it square so it will look good in ebays small space but . . .

When creating a listing with Auctiva I do not see where I can pick my gallery image other then a drop down allowing me a choice of one of the images from my listing.

I don't want to use one from my listing, I have a different one I use for this, any suggestions?

This is an important issue for me as far as clothing is comcerned. Thanks in advance for the help!
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Can you not upload here and just use it? I know when you add your images to your listing, you can have one as your gallery image and another as the image up-top when they open your auction.

Other than that - only thing I can suggest is to not use gallery when you list thru Auctiva then manually change it thru ebay. Maybe one of the techs can jump in soon and answer your question.
Yes I have uploaded the image I want to use for my gallery but I don't want it in the listing itself, just in the gallery.

I don't seem to have that choice here and its a choice I really need to have.

Using the same service for over two years you get used to doing things a certain way. I'm making the best of it here but there are somethings I can't do without - this is an important one for me Confused
Thanks Tom for the answers!

I'm still playing around with that ID but if you look at my store at maybe you can get a better idea.

I don't always use the border but I at least crop my image to make it closer and more square. If you take a full sized image and squeeze it into the gallery it looks like crap, so I try make it look better.
I'm sure I can find a work around, just trying to get all my ducks in a row Wink
Originally posted by Auctiva Tom T.:

In fact if one of the gallery images there said "Best for wind" in black text in an all orange box I'd be 100x more likely to click that than any of the others. I mean those people are wasting money on a gallery image. The purpose of it is to get someone to click your item. I'm not convinced that that always means showing a picture of the item.

I think your idea makes sense. Would you please look at this auction:
In order to get my gallery image to show the red window with the yellow text, I had to put that as one of the pics in my auction, which I think is a little dumb. Any ideas?
Originally posted by scholartime:
Great! Did you by chance get a moment to look at my custom template question and view the picture I had on the practice board? The custom template I'm trying to use keeps telling me I have too many description tags.

Did you see my post on AM board where you posted the template?

I put in the Auctiva tags for you so it should work Wink
Originally posted by scholartime:
Originally posted by wahm922:

Did you see my post on AM board where you posted the template?

I put in the Auctiva tags for you so it should work Wink

No! Eek Going there now! Thanks!!

Sheesh!! How'd I miss that one?!? I must have skipped right over it and gone straigh to the post. Wink Genuflections your way!!
Originally posted by Auctiva Tom T.:
The programmer needs another 2-3 days on those new template tags we're adding, so if it's not in next weeks update it will be in the one the week after that.

We've also talked about still maybe letting you enter a URL for your gallery image too but haven't decided yet. If we could program it in 5 minutes we'd do it for sure. But this would require us to add a field in the database to store it, and program that and change the user interface, and so on. And so few people need this that 2 days of programmer time for something not in big demand sorta loses priority to a lot of other things to be done, and being requested.

Thank you Tom it means alot that you all even consider suggestions and changes to make us happy. I almost don't know how to react to such great service Big Grin
Originally posted by wahm922:
Originally posted by Auctiva Tom T.:
The programmer needs another 2-3 days on those new template tags we're adding, so if it's not in next weeks update it will be in the one the week after that.

We've also talked about still maybe letting you enter a URL for your gallery image too but haven't decided yet. If we could program it in 5 minutes we'd do it for sure. But this would require us to add a field in the database to store it, and program that and change the user interface, and so on. And so few people need this that 2 days of programmer time for something not in big demand sorta loses priority to a lot of other things to be done, and being requested.

Thank you Tom it means alot that you all even consider suggestions and changes to make us happy. I almost don't know how to react to such great service Big Grin

Thank you from me as well.

I hope when you get the extra time you will add the ability for sellers like myself to add the url for the gallery and the upper left picture.

You made it possible for custom templates.

You're giving us the option of picture borders or not.

All very good!

For me, this last ability will rock my (few sellers) world, lol. The few, the proud, the ask for weird upgrades sellers!

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