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we have been trying unsuccessfully all day to post auctions. The auctions have been failing to save some of the time. Pictures have been failing to load some of the time and when you try to load a border, 9 out of ten times it locks up the screen and IE has to be restarted. I don't like using Firefox, but have tried it as well. When I tried to load pictures, a window popped up stating that a script on this page was making Mozilla run slow and asking if I wanted to end the process. I did this several times and finally got the pictures to load. We have gotten 8 auctions posted in 9 hours... That is absolutely ridiculous and all the money saved in the world is not worth the time lost on this situation.
I have not filed any kind of help order and after reading the various posts dated the 15th, I see no need to. It's obviously a system problem at Auctiva and not a series of individual problems. Things were working fine beore the big update on the ninth. I think that is the answer, the updates have screwed things up.
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I too have been having problems trying to list items - my problems are with the description page that refuses to center objects and also the description looks really bad because the lines all begin in differnt places and there are spaces galore that refuse to be removed no matter what. It is deplorable and time consuming and frustrating!!!
And if that weren't enough - I list easily on ebay but have to wait days for the item to be deported.. As things stand, it is really horrible.
Originally posted by klaarg:
we have been trying unsuccessfully all day to post auctions. The auctions have been failing to save some of the time. Pictures have been failing to load some of the time and when you try to load a border, 9 out of ten times it locks up the screen and IE has to be restarted. I don't like using Firefox, but have tried it as well. When I tried to load pictures, a window popped up stating that a script on this page was making Mozilla run slow and asking if I wanted to end the process. I did this several times and finally got the pictures to load. We have gotten 8 auctions posted in 9 hours... That is absolutely ridiculous and all the money saved in the world is not worth the time lost on this situation.
I have not filed any kind of help order and after reading the various posts dated the 15th, I see no need to. It's obviously a system problem at Auctiva and not a series of individual problems. Things were working fine beore the big update on the ninth. I think that is the answer, the updates have screwed things up.
I too have problems for several days, doing the same thing...not saving info, just plain problems...I took Auctiva's advise and downloaded Firefox...thinking...yea, yea, this probably will not work either...real postive, I was...Well I am here to tell you it DID work. Listed several Items without a hitch. Problem? I do not understand, I am just glad it is working using that.
I have not filed any kind of help order and after reading the various posts dated the 15th, I see no need to.

If you needed to post it to the message board, then I'd say you still need to file a support request. Look at it this way: Sometimes these problems, once resolved, still need to be fixed on a user-by-user basis. If you file your support case they'll know you're being affected (because not everyone is).

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