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hello, my uploader keeps crashing and telling me to contact the web host. I am using a MAC with the firefox 3.0.5. The few photos that I did manage to download earlier today are in my manage images tab, but when you click on the actual thumbnail the little photo icon comes up in another window, instead of my photo. Thanks
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Having similar problem. My Windows Firefox crashes EVERY time I upload directly to a listing, causing me to lose my listing work unless I remember to save what I have done before trying to upload. Once restarted the images are in my image folder and can be moved to listing. There is no problem uploading to the Images folders, just to listings.
This is the response that I received yesterday. Of course, I did all of this and it still doesn't work.

The reason that the images are not displaying properly or supersizing when they are clicked on or in the scrolling gallery, is because these images were all uploaded at a size of 16 x 16 pixels. So when someone clicks on one of these images in your listing, the actual size is too small to display, which is why you see the images of pieces of paper with corners turned over when you click on them in the listing or when you see your listing in the scrolling gallery.

The reason that your images were uploaded at this small size is due to a "bug" within the uploading software we are using that affects the Java based version of the "Auctiva Uploader" image uploader. We have been in contact with the developer of this uploading software and expect this "bug" to be fixed some time soon.

However, you can avoid this "bug" for this uploader if you sign into your Auctiva account through the Internet Explorer browser rather then FireFox, this is because you would be using the Active X version of the "Auctiva Uploader" and not the Java based version. Alternatively you could simply upload your images using the "Basic HTML Uploader" with FireFox too!

In order to fix the images in your listings that might be displaying this way, you can simply replace them within these listings via the process below:

In order to replace an image in an active listing, check the box next to the image on your “Manage Images” page and click the “Replace” button. Then, click the grey “Browse” button that appears to select the image you would like to upload in place of the checked image from your hard drive. Once that image has been selected, click the blue “Upload” button. Once completed, the newly uploaded image will replace the checked image.

In order to change the header/gallery image in an active listing, you will need to revise the listing using eBay’s “Revise your Item” form, which can be done via the following process:

1) Visit the item on eBay.
2) Right-click the image you’d like to make your new header/gallery image and click “Properties”
3) Copy the image URL, which begins with http://...
4) Click the “Revise your Item” link at the top of the auction page.
5) Click the “Add Pictures” button.
6) Delete the text(if any) in the “Enter URL…” field(if any) and replace it with the copied URL.
7) Click the “Insert Pictures” button and save your changes.

Please keep in mind that eBay does not permit you to remove anything from an item that has a bid, and/or has less than 12 hours remaining.

Once you have corrected the images in your listing, including the Header image, please let me know through this support case and I can run a command on your account to have a new showcase images created for this item to display for it within the scrolling gallery.

Thank you,
Auctiva Support

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I am having prob's w/my images as well. I am using Internet explorer and the auctiva uploader. The pics seem fine when writing the listing and previewing the listing, BUT if I want to see how my pics look when enlarged I get a "blue image like a water scene maybe, to small to really tell?" Ok so I think, well, maybe it will work itself out.
But when I go to view an active auction, the scrolling gallery shows a couple of items as the same "blue image?" Kinda annoying. Some of my most recent active listings that I added last night (2/9), I notice the same blue image when I try to enlarge the pics. What is the issue so I can understand how to fix it. I am not opening firefox (that I know of) when uploading pics, and I'm not using a mac. I am using a Kodak camera and uploading straight to my Kodak program and then choosing from my list of images with Kodak to upload to Auctiva using the Auctiva uploader. So can I fix this myself or is it an Auctiva issue that I should just hang loose, do nothing and the issues will work itself out over time?
Hi buffy2403,

I took a look at your listings and see the problem. It looks like the original _o.jpg of the image is somehow corrupted, and that small placeholder image is being substituted. Why it's corrupted may be part of the problem Mike reported (unknown).

I would file a Support Case and let Auctiva investigate why the original image has a problem, but the 400x300 and thumb images (same upload) are OK (I looked at all three of them for one example). Here's one of the failing examples from your listing 230324770543.

I do have a suggestion you can try. Locate the image on your Image Management page at Auctiva, use the select checkoff box to the left of a problem image, and use the Replace button to upload a replacement image (same image). Hopefully, that will refresh the problem image. If that works, clicking on the replaced image on the Management page should show the full-size original image correctly, instead of that small blue image.

Thanks soooo much Danno, I was actually thinking about deleating the pics and redoing the upload, I have many auctions waiting to list but didn't want to, for fear of have many live auctions going with photo issues. Funny I took pics today and they loaded fine. So somehow when uploading pics yesterday something happened to corrupt them. So I will try your suggestion in a couple of hours when I have time and let you know how it goes!! I do very much appreciate the fast response, you are very kind!! Buffy Big Grin
Hi fmw269,

No slight intended.

I sometimes look carefully for cause or do some testing before I can give any assistance or advise. Mike's official response seemed on the mark, so buffy's new twist made me look again. I'm not sure she has the same problem.

I did run some tests and did posts on many threads the past week or so on the Aurigma Uploader, including my results on use of the PC version of Safari browser and Firefox on Linux. I've been doing supplimental testing on using Safari in masquerade of Firefox mode for general site use (as posted).

I don't work for Auctiva, so I just try to pitch-in and help the "Community" as a member.

Hi fmw269,

Not having a Mac does put me at somewhat of a disadvantage in directly testing problems with that platform.

The reason I got interested in looking closer this morning was buffy's similar problem, but on PC with IE. The odd images she has reported (and I posted in the Forum) is different than those I'm seeing on your Store gallery and window.

I'm honestly having no luck in duplicating the problem. I hate posting that situation, as it does invite negative reponses from those totally frustrated.....and I don't like doing that.

I do have two suggestions (recently acquired):

1. Try the Safari browser for image upload only. See my thread on testing in this Forum for possible settings.

2. Try small batches of files in a separate folder for each upload session. My testing yesterday unveiled a problem that causes slowdowns and processor spikes. I made that suggestion yesterday to another member, and Jeff (CEO) echoed my suggestion last night. Note, I also visited the Aurigma Forum and posted an interesting suggestion from them on that problem.

I don't know if those suggestion will help, but they are worth a try.

Yeah, the 27 items I just listed was uploaded using Safari. None of them are showing up in the auctiva scrolling gallery. So, I've completely given up. Maybe I'll try doing the seperate folder for each upload session you suggested. I know how difficult it is to help people remotely, I can only imagine how difficult it is without the right tools. Thanks again for your help

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