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Welcome to our online community. We have added this area so that customers can discuss and solve problems they encounter, share tips and tricks, and anything else Auctiva. We realize the importantance of timely information to our customers and know that we aren't always available 100% of the time. It is our hope that in these cases you will be able to use these boards to reach out and help eachother.

If you require a response or faster help then use our help request form on the Help page of our site.

Please notice that your Auctiva Account will not work in our Community Support Area, you will have to create a new one (by clicking on "register") to participate. We recommend you use the same username as your Auctiva Account.
Original Post
A few more things long overdue to be mentioned:

1.) Click this link and try searching for your problem before starting a new post.
Many times there are already detailed threads with answers. You'll get your answer quicker and with more options that way.

2.) Please don't use all caps in your thread titles. They stand out like a sore thumb in the list of threads, which is probably the intention by making them all caps but that's not fair to all the other threads. I'd prefer that the actual message not be in all caps too, but I realize that some people do it because they have poor vision and it helps them read the page easier.

3.) Make a title that means something. "HELP PLEASE" is not a descriptive title. Include something in the title pertaining to the nature of your problem. If you need a suggestion read all the other threads in the forum as most of them are pretty good. The more accurate the title of the thread, the more likely you will be to receive timely help.
Last edited by auctivajeff
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