Hi - At the present time there is no way to make changes to a closed listing from within Auctiva before relisting it (unless of course you wanted to repost a whole new listing, and lose your ebay refund). Whether you relist from Auctiva or from ebay, any changes must be made to the relisted auction on ebay's usual "revise your listing" page. This situation may improve with Phase II which is to be implemented in stages starting this month.
Hopefully, we will also gain the ability to schedule a relisting from within Auctiva rather than having it post immediately when you click RELIST. Currently you can only schedule a relist from within ebay(at a slight extra charge of $0.10) As confusing as it can seem, the previous posts in this thread may give a more detailed discussion, or confuse you more --- feel free to ask as many questions as you need to. Somebody on this board will have the answers and gladly help out.
Thank you. The $0.10 is for the picture? What if we have multiple pictures in the ad, would we be charged all fees we didn't pay in Auctiva now that we are relisting in ebay?
As I mentioned being more confused now is because I had read through all the previous messages before posting mine.
Thank you
As I mentioned being more confused now is because I had read through all the previous messages before posting mine.
Thank you
hi there 1moonlady!
no! you will not be charged for the "extra" pictures. you will only be charged on ebay for the gallery feature, if you use it, and any additional pictures you post on EBAY DIRECTLY!!!
adding additional pictures here on auctiva is FREE!! because auctiva hosts' the pictures for you, you are not charged on ebay.....only for the gallery option if you use it....all the extra pictures (2-16) are FREE!!
when you "relist", if you are NOT directly uploading pictures on the ebay pages themselves, (again, aside from the gallery option), the pictures in your auctiva template are FREE because they are hosted outside of ebay!!
this is just one of the many AWESOME perks you get listing here on auctiva instead of on feebay!
now, not to confuse you, if you are relisting but perhaps changing the item to something new to take advantage of the "relist" option...make sure you create the listing here on auctiva and simply COPY the HTML and paste it in the description section on ebay. swap out your gallery photo if you use, and voila, new listing with the option of getting your fees back if it sells.
just remember not to increase the price on the new item as this will negate the "relist" option and your new item will not qualify for the refund.
hope some of that helped and didn't confuse you!
no! you will not be charged for the "extra" pictures. you will only be charged on ebay for the gallery feature, if you use it, and any additional pictures you post on EBAY DIRECTLY!!!
adding additional pictures here on auctiva is FREE!! because auctiva hosts' the pictures for you, you are not charged on ebay.....only for the gallery option if you use it....all the extra pictures (2-16) are FREE!!
when you "relist", if you are NOT directly uploading pictures on the ebay pages themselves, (again, aside from the gallery option), the pictures in your auctiva template are FREE because they are hosted outside of ebay!!
this is just one of the many AWESOME perks you get listing here on auctiva instead of on feebay!
now, not to confuse you, if you are relisting but perhaps changing the item to something new to take advantage of the "relist" option...make sure you create the listing here on auctiva and simply COPY the HTML and paste it in the description section on ebay. swap out your gallery photo if you use, and voila, new listing with the option of getting your fees back if it sells.
just remember not to increase the price on the new item as this will negate the "relist" option and your new item will not qualify for the refund.
hope some of that helped and didn't confuse you!

oh duh! i should've read the earlier post....
the earlier post regarding the .10 fee is when you are directly on ebays site doing the relist...the .10 fee is for the schedule option to post the listing at a later date....because whatever time you start the relist process, your listing will post automatically...and depending on what time you actually want it to go live might be a different story. so my suggestion to you to save on the .10 additional fee would be, don't start working on the relist until you actually want your item to go LIVE.
hope that answered your question...i guess ignore my last post....lol
the earlier post regarding the .10 fee is when you are directly on ebays site doing the relist...the .10 fee is for the schedule option to post the listing at a later date....because whatever time you start the relist process, your listing will post automatically...and depending on what time you actually want it to go live might be a different story. so my suggestion to you to save on the .10 additional fee would be, don't start working on the relist until you actually want your item to go LIVE.
hope that answered your question...i guess ignore my last post....lol

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