First of all, I do have my feeds turned on in My Ebay so I was hoping that they would be distributed but I cannot find my listings in Froogle or Google Base. I did the feedburner thing (will they also send feeds out as well?)
I am fine sending feeds out my own if I only knew what I was doing. I opened up a Google Base account but am not sure what to upload (I read one post saying that you had to open your feed file in excel and change some things before sending it to google it really that labor intensive?)
I really need to do some advertising for my items that Ebay has failed to do, but I tell you, I have spent SO much time on this that I have hardly listed this week and all I wanted to was to get my items into shopping searches!
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated by me and my twin girls as they keep hoping that Momma will get off the computer and take them swimming!

Thanks again!